Community Acupuncture is a worldwide movement of clinics that make acupuncture treatment affordable and remove the barrier of cost from healing. These clinics offer acupuncture treatment in a group setting. By seeing multiple people per hour, in a group setting, costs can be kept low. Fees for treatment are on a sliding scale, no proof of income is required. We are part of The People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture (POCA), a network of Community Acupuncture clinics.
Are you an Acupuncturist interested in joining our team? We are currently hiring!! Please use the contact page to reach out to us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Dalit first read about community acupuncture while she was an acupuncture student and she knew that she wanted to practice this way to make acupuncture accessible and affordable to as many people as possible. Dalit Founded Harvard Sq Community Acupuncture in 2016.
Dalit is a graduate of The New England School of Acupuncture, '09, licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine, and nationally certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine(NCCAOM).
Dalit has studied both Chinese and Japanese styles of acupuncture. She has practiced community style acupuncture since 2010 first at Roxbury Community Acupuncture (no longer open) and then at Open Space Acupuncture in Somerville, MA.
Dalit has traveled to Mexico and Uganda with The Global Acupuncture Project to teach acupuncture. This international organization worked to increase access to acupuncture for those with limited access to health care.
Dalit worked with adults for 23 years as an Occupational Therapist. She worked at the West Roxbury VA Medical Center, McLean Hospital, Braintree Rehabilitation Hospital, Youville Hospital, Neville Manor, The Cambridge VNA, the Cambridge Somerville Health Alliance, Mount Auburn Home Care, and the VNA of Boston.
Acupuncturist and Harvard Square Community Acupuncture Clinic Manager
Nate is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Massachusetts and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Nate is a graduate of the New England School of Acupuncture where he completed a Master’s in Chinese and Japanese acupuncture styles. He received his Doctorate in Acupuncture from Pacific College of Health and Science.
In addition to working in community acupuncture at HSQCA, Nate sees adult and pediatric oncology and sickle cell disease patients at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center.
Nate served for a number of years as an acupuncture program faculty member and clinical supervisor at the New England School of Acupuncture, as well as providing acupuncture treatments through Fenway Health's acupuncture detox program.
Justina is a graduate of The Alberta College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine located in Calgary, AB, Canada. She is licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Medicine and nationally certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).
Justina has a diverse background in alternative healthcare, wellness, and administration. As a former licensed acupuncturist in Alberta, Canada with over a decade worth of experience as yoga instructor, she has consistently delivered exceptional patient care while guiding individuals towards improved physical and mental well-being. She firmly believes in the body’s innate self-healing potential, emphasizing the importance of restoring natural biological rhythms of the body and cultivating a parasympathetic state of mind to achieve optimal health.
Additionally, Justina graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration and honed her entrepreneurial and managerial expertise during her tenure as owner of a successful yoga studio in Red Deer, AB Canada. Justina relocated to Massachusetts in the summer of 2022 with her husband and beloved dog, Cooper. Shortly after her move stateside, she started assisting with Dalit Waller, L.Ac, at HSQCA. In her leisure, Justina finds solace in travel, yoga, nature, culinary experimentation, live music, and cherished family time.
Erin McFrane is a licensed acupuncturist in the state of Massachusetts and is certified by the
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Erin
graduated with a Masters from New England School of Acupuncture. Erin has studied Chinese,
Japanese, and Classical acupuncture.
Erin has had many careers before coming to acupuncture- she could formally be found in the
Attorney General’s office working as a victim advocate, fitting people for backpacks as an
outdoor outfitter, and harvesting and weeding on an organic farm.
In her free time Erin practices Qi Gong, Nei Gong, and Yoga. Erin enjoys a good nature
documentary, live music, frothy coffee drinks, and taking her boxer and son for hikes in the
Unbelievable! Instant anxiety relief that lasts. Also, pain relief. I was struggling for years with these issues and they got resolved after the first visit. I keep going there in order to make the effect more sustainable plus I enjoy this relaxation and am not ready to let go :) Don't delay, this will change your life! Thank you, HSQCA!
-JJ, Somerville, MA